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Restoring a Landrover


Naww I love Canadians. HONEST !!

DAMMIT I THINK I'M SUPPOSED TO SAY SOMETHING ABOUT MYSELF HERE Oh the yacht? Well its such a lovely boat that no explanations are needed. Enjoy it for what it is.

Where to start?   hmmmmm.   Born in April 1943 in a smallish town called HITCHIN in Hertfordshire England, just north of London. Had a few adventures (and misadventures) including an introduction to ocean sailing, where I crewed on a Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter called *THEADORA* ex *Kindly Light* in a tall ships race from Oslo in Norway to Ostend in Belgium. We didnt win the race but we got wasted with the crew that did.  LOL.  Great Fun. After that I decided that I didnt want to live in England anymore and moved to Australia at the tender age of 17. Now that was an enspired move.

AUSTRALIA Where God takes her holidays

 It feels as though I have lived in Australia for ever. I guess I almost have since I arrived in 1961 but it took me until January 2001 to become an Australian citizan. Why the delay? Well I had to be sure I liked it didnt I?  Ive travelled all over the country and seen some amazing sights. A carpet of caterpillers as far as the eye could see on either side and extending for 30 miles along the highway in the middle of the Nullabor Plain. Couldnt see the road. Just the guideposts.  Ivs seen UFOs, along with about a thousand other people at Eucla.  Ive seen sharks nearly 25 feet long in Sydney Harbour. I once saw a politician tell the truth.  ONCE.  I met some cool people. Actors , Entertainers, I met Rudolph Nureyev. Marcel Marceau, Angry Anderson of *ROSE TATTOO*.  I met the late and great Slim Dusty a few times in different parts of the country. Ive eaten kangaroo, snake,  eels, and some weird unidentified stuff in sandwitches. Ive briefly visited Long Bay Jail in Sydney (an unfortunate misunderstanding on the part of the law). Ive met some mongrels and Ive met some true blue champions and I wouldnt be dead for quids.

About the Family Roots

My family name is WENLOCK (middle name ) and the family seat ,now defunct, was in the township of Much Wenlock in Shropshire England. Like anybody cares anymore but all of the family members have Wenlock as a middle name as a matter of tradition. Not much room for blue bloods in Australia.  Ha!!  I bleed red. Ive tried it.

E-mail to me (because its my site).

For sure somebody is going to ask questions about my likes and dislikes so Ill save you the bother.      LIKES >

Boats  (preferably wooden)

BANJOS (obviously)

Most pre-electric guitar music

GIRLS (women)

Good food (no yuppy crap)  Im a steak'n'eggs man

A drink or two.. Rum goes with anything

Polite teenagers

Polite adults

etc etc.

                                           DISLIKES >


esparagus and spinnach

modern love songs

people who are cruel to animals (theres a special place reserved in hell just for you)


Pompous Beaurocrats

most politicians

etc etc

If you need to know more just ask.  Most times Im in MSN or CHAT-ZONE

Web Site (the other one)


Are you seriously bored yet?